Day of Reflection | January 28, 2023
On January 28, 1988 the Supreme Court of Canada struck down all laws protecting the unborn. Each year on this date we call to mind the words of our Saviour Jesus Christ spoke when he said in the Gospel of Matthew 25:40,
"Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me."
The diocese of Saskatoon will incorporate this pro-life intention into its weekend masses Jan 28th - 29th. Please remember and pray for reverence for all life.
Canada Prays | Every Wednesday at 6:00pm
Catholics from across the nation at events will pray the rosary in public at designated locations to entrust the country to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and implore her to come to the aid of the people of Canada. Canada Prays is held every Wednesday at 6:00 pm on the steps of St Paul's Co-Cathedral in downtown Saskatoon. Prayer intentions are for our church leaders, our political leaders, our freedom, and for pro-life issues. For more info please click here.